Diuretic in a sentence as a noun

After all that, he just said, "hmmm, yeah, let's get you on a diuretic.

Alcohol is a diuretic, which causes you to expel fluid.

The tolerance to the diuretic effect isn't that much.

Dandelion is also called "**** the bed" because it's a mild diuretic.

But you’re right, they probably meant “laxative”, not “diuretic”

They also add caffeine as a diuretic to keep consumers drinking, too.

Caffeine isn't a diuretic if you use it regularly.

"Seriously, though, it's probably not a good idea to throw diuretic hormones out of balance unless you really know what you're doing.

As others have posted, scientific evidence shows no diuretic effect.

Caffeine is only a mild diuretic, and only for those who haven't built a tolerance to it. You're right though, Caffeine sure does have side-effects, especially withdrawal effects.

But more importantly, it's well documented that regular users of caffeine build up tolerance to its diuretic effects.

The loading phase causes the body to readily excrete sodium, and when sodium is suddenly cut from the diet it takes time for the body to start retaining sodium, producing a short-lived diuretic effect.

Regular users of caffeine have been shown to develop a strong tolerance to the diuretic effect,[34] and studies have generally failed to support the notion that ordinary consumption of caffeinated beverages contributes significantly to dehydration, even in athletes.

From Wikipedia: "Regular users of caffeine have been shown to develop a strong tolerance to the diuretic effect, and studies have generally failed to support the notion that ordinary consumption of caffeinated beverages contributes significantly to dehydration, even in athletes.

Diuretic definitions


any substance that tends to increase the flow of urine, which causes the body to get rid of excess water