Distasteful in a sentence as an adjective

What I find most distasteful is the lie that he "saved a village and fed them".

I believe this is why the idea of a 'servant' is so distasteful to an American.

My initial reaction is to find lobbying distasteful in the same way I find marketing distasteful.

I don't know which women you're basing this on, but the ones I know don't fear for their life when they hear a penis joke, even though it's distasteful.

If a company does something clearly distasteful and harmful to others, staying quiet and voting with your feet is not a good idea.

It's distasteful, but I'm accustomed to it here on the internet, where every engineer who read a Rand novel got the idea that he was John Galt.

Facebook are free to do distasteful things, but - and here's the important part - we are free to condemn them for doing so. Forbidding us from sharing our opinions because "hey, it's legal" is a self-defeating argument.

Some people find talking about personal salary or wealth to be distasteful - like a braggart yammering on about his expensive possessions.

We see allowing elites to enrich themselves off market reforms to help them buy into the idea of change as distasteful whereas from a social utilitarian perspective it's strategically kosher.

Distasteful definitions


not pleasing in odor or taste

See also: unsavory unsavoury


highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust; "a disgusting smell"; "distasteful language"; "a loathsome disease"; "the idea of eating meat is repellent to me"; "revolting food"; "a wicked stench"