Dissected in a sentence as an adjective

That thing looks like a dissected heart with gangrened arteries... no offense.

How I wish more grad students dissected empirical data like this!

How horrifying must it be to have every word dissected by a linkbait culture?

" And, of course, the final Hypercritical episode, in which he dissected his own podcast.

I hate it when simple declarative statements are dissected by "lawyer-think.

It really is a burden to be in a position where your communications are divulged publicly, to be dissected.

How many atheists would tear down Sisko the messiah, how every decision would be questioned, mocked, dissected where the actors and the acted upon could see it?Who, exactly?

"\n...Black has cracked the code of the world's great breaks; they now lie dissected, quantified, and digitized in his computer, ready to be reconstituted anywhere - especially indoors.

"What was really astounding about Michael's case is that the liquid nitrogen instantly expanded from a volume of about 3 or 4 cc's to about 3 or 4 liters and then dissected into five separate body compartments"Ouch.

Look at the large number of subject matter experts who dissected every aspect of the claims and universally concluded... "Impossible unless [expert explanation of method] ...and even so, unlikely.

Scads of money for you or me maybe, but --for Apple-- how could it even register as more than a rounding error on their revenue?I'll be interested to see if there are any advantages to Lightning once it is dissected or if it is just a lock-in play.

It was a very natural subject of talk for us, but really -- do you want to hear about the state of an inflamed heart we found in a dissected kitten, what happens to bodily functions when some dude flails a cat while holding it by the tail, how a neglected cat lost her eye to disease or other fascinating subjects from this category?

Dissected definitions


having one or more incisions reaching nearly to the midrib

See also: cleft