Disproportional in a sentence as an adjective

Only a disproportional reaction solves the issue, once and for all. Shock and awe.

Plenty has been written about how disproportional our response has been. Time to rebalance the scales.

It is certainly a good answer, but the score seems disproportional to the utility.

Yes, it comes at a cost to the person talked about that is disproportional to the gain the audience has from the information. Yes, she wasn't in the public eye.

5 years seems disproportional but great to see you on the outside. If there is any way in which I can help you to jumpstart your career should you need it or throw work your way let me know and I'll see what I can do for you, email in my profile.

Sure, we have an ability to reflect on our actions and inflict disproportional changes to environment, but still. Just for some context.

No, I really don't think that it is disproportional. Sam Odio hasn't apologized let alone returned the money.

They might seem disproportional, but Google's goal is not "do what's best for the world in this one instance, ignoring the long-term effects". Google's goal is "make sure nobody will try to cheat Google's algorithms, now or in the future."

Norway has a disproportional chunk of the world's known Thorium reserves as well. It seems Slartibartfast rigged the energy lottery in their favor.

That said, death threats are always disproportional, and I think we can all agree that however you feel about Eich and his contribution, they were uncalled for.

I've seen how disproportional the effect is of downvotes on an item's ranking - one downvotes out-weights many upvotes. If you like something, upvote it, or see it sink without trace.

That's a disproportional response based on just one aspect of whatever solution the OP is working on. What is so offensive about JVM memory management?

It's a lot of paperwork but not disproportional to the amount of paperwork you have to do per-employee anyway. It does cost something to deal with but it's a rounding error compared to the cost of those people's salaries.

I also believe if there is something most people have too much of, it's confidence and a disproportional sense of superiority. We waste a lot of effort trying to seem exceptional instead of trying to become more exceptional.

In the US, I am sure the number is disproportional to the elderly and on government assistance, such that people between 20-60 are not covered by any government insurance. So it's a bit more lop-sided than the Wikipedia chart says.

They might be getting a disproportional amount of publicity compared to much larger more complex projects, in your opinion, but that doesn't negate the fact that it is still open source.

One person taking up a disproportional amount of time is being rather selfish, which is generally regarded as a negative thing in most circumstances.

Essentially you are acting like a spammer: wasting a disproportional amount of other people's computational resources for your gain.

His influence is disproportional to his value, and I am extremely disappointed to see anyone here taking his emotional arguments seriously. Unless firmly censured, I expect to see Yegge's ridiculous viral meme of "liberal vs.

We have total cronyism, where one reviewer has disproportional power since he was the first to publish much of the modern stuff. Therefore, people will do anything to have him review their papers, and his papers are pushed through despite what many feel are seriously glaring errors in methodology and collection.

The growing disproportional power individual crazy people are wielding makes a reasonably good explanation for the causes behind the Fermi paradox, so I don't think we'll get past this any time soon - at least not until reasonable technological protection is available that doesn't at the same time enslave the civilization it's supposed to protect. In closing, I think there's hope.

In a sense, the heartbeat code got unlucky and hit the mega-anti-jackpot, disproportional to its "actual" risk... but there was risk in adding it, and even before we know the outcome it would have, somebody really should have been asking hard questions about whether the reward justified the risk.

When you're in a small state with disproportional voting power you end up with more money coming back to your state than it contributes in federal taxes, so you can afford to act out and pretend we can all live in a screw the government utopia - the big states you're sticking your thumb in the eye of have to pay the tab.

Disproportional definitions


out of proportion

See also: disproportionate