Dispose in a sentence as a verb

It's not your right to dispose of it.

So the scammers were getting it on both ends, money to dispose it, and money from people tricked into buying it.

If someone tried to dispose of everyone here for participating in this killing, I'd scream a resounding, "No.

Additionally, it is difficult to throw away larger amounts of trash or loads that would require two hands to dispose of.

On of the basic tools courts use to filter out frivolous litigation is to quickly dispose of suits that are implausible on their face.

I fear that this would dispose them toward authoritarianism, which is in fact the first word that comes to mind when I hear about Singapore.

I'd like to offer a counterpoint to the author's suggestion that "you'd be an idiot not to buy [and dispose of] a new laptop every year.

Things like that are understandably very expensive to properly and legally dispose of.

The company can dispose of your IOU like any other short-term debt of the company at some point in the future when it has the financial wherewithal to do so.

Or I can sell the whole thing and let someone else dispose of all these rights ...So when we talk stealing and infringement, we're talking about violations of someone else's alienable rights.

This will allow you to truly realize the opportunities you have as your dispose and put your gratitude on overdrive when any anomalies of concern do seem to present themselves.

If I donated a building to a university on the condition that they name the building after me, is that only a partial transfer since they can't dispose of the building however they like?There's a good reason the law is in place.

It's unfortunate that when he requested more information on the legality of his situation, instead of reaching out to him and informing him he wasn't supposed to have this material and working with him to dispose of it, they sent the police.

Over the years, amendments have given us some very fundamental changes: the abolition of slavery, the right of women to vote, presidential term limits, etc. Granted, it's a slow process that the author may be impatient with, but it's probably preferable to having a government that can arbitrarily dispose of people's rights.

All the Property that is necessary to a Man, for the Conservation of the Individual and the Propagation of the Species, is his natural Right, which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick, who, by their Laws, have created it, and who may therefore by other Laws dispose of it, whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition.

Dispose definitions


give, sell, or transfer to another; "She disposed of her parents' possessions"


throw or cast away; "Put away your worries"


make receptive or willing towards an action or attitude or belief; "Their language inclines us to believe them"

See also: incline


place or put in a particular order; "the dots are unevenly disposed"


make fit or prepared; "Your education qualifies you for this job"

See also: qualify