Disposal in a sentence as a noun

"I must have a seemingly endless block of time at my disposal.

I can provide better service than ever before, because I have better tools at my disposal.

The designer or design team should be thrilled they have such a wealth of data at their disposal to come up with the best design possible.

It's easy to deride ******* but fact of the matter is that it is the final but a very powerful option we have at our disposal.

Expecting me to be always in my office, and at your disposal, is understandable from the point of view of an undergraduate.

From here, exploitation is obvious; I got SSH up and running in no time and had a beautiful little ARM Linux box at my disposal.

When a billionaire nerd that is "one of us" buys the VR company John Carmack is the CTO of and backs it with all the resources at his disposal I get excited.

They worked really hard to make that the case, using every gimmick at their disposal, from patents to copyrights to support contracts to outright strong-arm tactics.

The danger is that they crack the server and get the list of password hashes, at which point the time to crack a password is dictated by the hardware at their disposal and the hashing algorithm.

If you agree with the points, should the identity of the person that makes them have a significant bearing?I can't say I blame them, she does have a virtual mob at her disposal, and mob justice can be a scary thing.

That is because a C+ASM programmer has at his/her disposal literally every possible optimization technique that is implementable on that CPU, with no language-imposed overhead.

Disposal definitions


the power to use something or someone; "used all the resources at his disposal"


a method of tending to or managing the affairs of a some group of people (especially the group's business affairs)

See also: administration


the act or means of getting rid of something

See also: disposition


a kitchen appliance for disposing of garbage