Dismember in a sentence as a verb

Is it worse to **** 1 person or dismember 100?

A hand with gloves can be pulled into a cutting tool that will then dismember your arm.

And then what, he goes and uses an electric saw to dismember the body?

They even dismember dissidents from time to time.

They even dismember dissidents from time to time....and look how well that went over?

If we are going to dismember religions, let's first start with the largest that has done the most damage across the entire world.

A seemingly normal person goes and dismember his colleague after things doesn’t go his way when he when in for a scam.

He described graphically how he wanted to torture, dismember, and **** them.

Often, rescuers had to dismember bodies in order to reach survivors among the wreckage.

If there is only one person who could have been there to dismember the victim in the interval, I'd say this is close enough to "killer"...

It's not uncommon for ****** victims to be dismembered to make disposing of the body/evidence a lot easier.

They dismember people psychologically and physically for the simple reason that they enjoy it.

These gag orders are a minefields designed to dismember anyone who finds themselves in them; they have absolutely no place in a free society.

Perhaps rather than 'dismember', the web will 'dismantle', ie, remove some of the brick-and-mortar requirements, but certainly not all, and certainly not its staff.

The recommendation to 'dismember' the project is particularly harsh!

In the early days, these factors, along with low stock prices, permitted the financiers to buy companies and either restructure or dismember them to produce a profit at fairly low risk.

Can you imagine the maladaptive psychology required to wield a knife to calmly dismember, decapitate and butcher another human being?

It's not so easy or subtle to carry a full body out of a building and take it somewhere to dispose of it, but if you dismember the body and put the parts in trash bags, it just looks like you're taking out ordinary trash.

I'm aware of that, all I was saying is that hypothetically it would be possible to dismember the polymer components in separate pieces of javascript / css / html and replicate the behaviour in this way.

Let me put your mind at ease: If you are serious, and if you attain any success, I solemnly promise you the Internet will string up your language, dismember it publicly, douse all the pieces in gasoline, light them on fire, and dance around the flames.

Dismember definitions


separate the limbs from the body; "the tiger dismembered the tourist"


divide into pieces; "our department was dismembered when our funding dried up"; "The Empire was discerped after the war"

See also: discerp