Dismal in a sentence as an adjective

A flippant comment -- just so you can look clever on HN -- may condemn the OP to a dismal fate. Cut it out.

> But Peruvians test scores remain dismal. and.

Natwest are a dismal failure of a bank to the extent I'm always happy to go out my way and dissuade people from associating with them in any way. I'll be writing Santander off my list for sure now.

The very fact that he'll keep his job after this dismal lack of forecasting is an example of how much corruption there is there. Honestly, I would not be surprised if it was intentional.

It takes us ten hours of dismal labor to earn enough money to buy your game, so please commence the entertainment early on. If possible, pack something fun right into the box, for instance a balloon...

I lived in Phoenix and I moved to San Francisco to find work precisely because of Phoenix's dismal tech industry. After my contract ended last year, I had three or four job opportunities in Phoenix that I had to turn down.

Html The time was when I used to lament over quite imaginary pictures of lads of fourteen dragged protesting from their lessons and set to work at dismal jobs. It seemed to me dreadful that the doom of a 'job' should descend upon anyone at fourteen.

If anything, it strikes me as a terribly dismal existence for not a whole lot of reward and enjoyment. The most ironic thing is that the people who reap the most benefits of living in the Valley are the ones working for big established companies.

You didn't show what you were using before, but at a dismal 5% conversion I am guessing it was straight screenshots that weren't "posed" on a device or anything? Photos that have relevant content and even a minor emotional effect will say more than your screenshots ever will.

I'm sick of this attitude that your life is a dismal failure if it isn't micro-managed down to the last millisecond. I'm sick of being given life advice by weathly, privileged Americans who think they're wise because they've made it to their thirties without massively ******* anything up.

It just made us feel smart and distracted us from the dismal day-to-day that was wasting our advanced degrees. The window dressing justification was that a smart person gets more done, 10x programmers and all that, but smart people also quit when they're bored, and smart people make boring jobs more complex than they need to be to stop from getting bored.

It is a dismal failure of our humanity if we require the justification of medical necessity to show basic compassion. Swartz had obvious reasons to be miserable and obvious reasons to want to **** himself.

At the same time, I think it is beyond-obvious to most in tech that the US Patent Office has done a dismal job of filtering that which is "obvious to someone skilled in the art" from true invention. I am not going to draw the demarcation line myself, the subject is too complex and each discipline has it's own boundaries.

Yet Windows Phone is a dismal failure even with Nokia's huge manufacturing bulk behind it. The only sensible conclusion I can come to is that making a desirable mobile OS is far more difficult than it appears, and that there are numerous 'below the water line' effects that make a mobile OS popular.

There are vague notions that we can pump it underground, but pilot projects in this area have been dismal failures both because of a lack of confidence that the CO2 will remain buried and because of the high energy costs in burying the CO2. Third, aside from CO2, coal has a variety of other nasty constituents: mercury, uranium, thorium, arsenic among others.

Her dismal academic record then caused this initial decision to be overturned by a unanimous vote of the other members of the full admissions committee, but he refused to give up, and moved heaven and earth to gain her a spot, even offering to rescind the admissions of one or more already selected applicants to create a place for her. Eventually he got her shifted from the Reject category to wait-list status, after which he secretly moved her folder to the very top of the large waiting list pile.

One of the most disappointing things about Musk's response was how he closed it with an out-of-context anecdote: In his own words in an article published last year, this is how Broder felt about electric cars before even seeing the Model S: "Yet the state of the electric car is dismal, the victim of hyped expectations, technological flops, high costs and a hostile political climate. If you read that article, Broder was clearly referring to the controversy behind the Chevy Volt, which he also compared unfavorably to a "lawnmower".

Dismal definitions


causing dejection; "a blue day"; "the dark days of the war"; "a week of rainy depressing weather"; "a disconsolate winter landscape"; "the first dismal dispiriting days of November"; "a dark gloomy day"; "grim rainy weather"