Dislocated in a sentence as an adjective

If you have two dislocated teams who have to meet every day, you're probably doing it wrong.

I did two days solid with a couple of naps and passed out on some stairs breaking three bones in my foot, 2 ribs and dislocated my shoulder.

Go there and see how many kids go around the hallways with dislocated shoulders, sprained ankles, fractures, neck braces, broken fingers from playing contact sports.

How did you deal with your shoulder issues?I dislocated my shoulder learning to kayak a long time ago, and it popped out about once a year until I got surgery.

I have to say that I was about to move to SF for the tech atmosphere before I learned that there is a real tech community here .. it's just sort of dislocated and disconnected in smaller groups.

Dislocated definitions


separated at the joint; "a dislocated knee"; "a separated shoulder"

See also: disjointed separated