Disintegrate in a sentence as a verb

Why buy a **** $250 suit that will disintegrate in a matter of years?

A club can disintegrate as a result of conflict and that's not a big deal.

By which I mean: cartels disintegrate when there is a clear profit to cheating.

Sun will disintegrate a lot of material, not to mention wind and sand.

The glue they were bound with and the cardboard the covers was made out of was designed to disintegrate over the course of a semester, even with good care.

I'm reminded of a quote along the lines of "the ideal racing car would cross the finish line intact and immediately disintegrate.

But they utterly disintegrate if you switch to talking about firing x-rays into someone's home or car and generating a detailed image of its contents.

Their model won't magically disintegrate if an insignificant portion of their user base decides to opt out of cookies.

It is actually unavoidable, since entropy dictates that any society will eventually disintegrate.

But the conventional wisdom is that it cannot; that it will inevitably disintegrate, especially if it can be prevented the use of allegiances and commercial relationships with other countries.

If you've done a bunch of startups, you've probably had the experience of having a harrowing argument with cofounders, and the realization of how easily your company can disintegrate based on nothing more than silly interpersonal conflicts.

Disintegrate definitions


break into parts or components or lose cohesion or unity; "The material disintegrated"; "the group disintegrated after the leader died"


cause to undergo fission or lose particles


lose a stored charge, magnetic flux, or current; "the particles disintegrated during the nuclear fission process"

See also: decay decompose