Disguise in a sentence as a noun

Hmm, maybe its actually a gaming console in disguise?

Instead, it's an argument for open source in disguise.

Even though they should be trained to know better, modern news programs make no effort to disguise their bias.

So I had to disguise my project websites as a corporate intranet page.

What if a Wal-Mart customer recognized someone she was meeting with as a terrorist in disguise.

My response to receiving this would be to forward the reply to my team and say, "Glad that didn't work out for us... Blessing in disguise.

Wow. Under the disguise of a pseudo-charity, Craigslist just revealed it's true intentions.

Disguise in a sentence as a verb

Doctorow is not doing anybody any favors by going into full tin-foil-hat-speak to disguise the facts.

I thought Windows was a joy to develop on until I moved to Linux... then I realised MS had to develop all these wonderful dev tools to disguise the fact that the API's are disastrous and the command line is useless...

There seems to be a gaggle of people who have popped up somewhere within the intersection of entrepreneurship, online startups and lately education that seem to effectively be self-help "experts" in disguise.

As a human being, someone like Sinofsky is no longer hurt by lost income, but that's a blessing in disguise because his motivations were for a long time not of financial nature, which means he is hurting in other dimensions.

In an effort to disguise and mitigate the fact that they have little idea how to publish digital content properlyoften sneakily called "differentiation"some news outlets release apps for digital devices.

Remember also that the NSA has several programs split up to hide and deny what they do:Bruce Schneier: "The agency has been playing all sorts of games with names, dividing their efforts up and using many different code names in an attempt to disguise what theyre doing.

Disguise definitions


an outward semblance that misrepresents the true nature of something; "the theatrical notion of disguise is always associated with catastrophe in his stories"

See also: camouflage


any attire that modifies the appearance in order to conceal the wearer's identity


the act of concealing the identity of something by modifying its appearance; "he is a master of disguise"

See also: camouflage


make unrecognizable; "The herb masks the garlic taste"; "We disguised our faces before robbing the bank"

See also: mask