Disgruntled in a sentence as an adjective

They're are all kind of pissed off and disgruntled right now.

As if someone hopes it will sound like he's a disgruntled former employee that was fired. Or that he was some low level hack of an employee.

Also, letting everyone know what their peers make can cause disgruntled employees.

He's clearly disgruntled. And this makes sense, given the extreme difficulties Pixar had in the early years before they were able to start doing features.

It reads like some disgruntled AdSense publishers theory as to why they were banned. Now it is true that in 2009, when the Great Recession hit, Google went through its processes and identified places where controls were lax.

They're there to fill out W-2 forms and keep you from getting sued by disgruntled employees. They do not have domain expertise and do not know what makes for an effective technical employee.

If you poke around the internet even a bit you'll see legions of disgruntled ex employees. I could go on; they have this theory that anyone can be trained to code so your interview is pretty much just your gpa.

Instead, all the "chinese whispers" of people throwing ideas around seems to have really got you disgruntled, when you only have yourself to blame, and then you take your arrogance out on people asking straight and to point questions. Do I think you got the $480k asking price?

Do you not see how an old-school hacker could be disgruntled by that philosophy? The beliefs and experience of that group runs deep enough that they are not hoodwinked into deifying Steve Jobs because the iMac is the sleekest desktop computer around.

Purely on a legal level, getting your most disgruntled employees to identify themselves and waive all claims in exchange for $2,000-5,000 is probably a pretty good deal.

For example, I often see disgruntled publishers complaining on the web, and from time to time I've followed up on specific blog posts to get the other side of the story. In addition, the group that manually fights webspam at Google is a sibling organization to the group that fights adspam.

I know a good number of the GN/DF employees mentioned in the article, and think this sounds more like a disgruntled ex-employee trying to badmouth his former employer. As for the "gigauth" file - how else are you going to run a subscription Usenet service without logging authenticated users?

Miso doesn't come off super awesome obviously, but as a disgruntled employee, you're not setting yourself up for success either. For example, should some future employer decide to Google your name before making an offer, they're likely to come up with an old spat between you and your employer.

Really, I'm more disgruntled that Google+ lets you put down your relationship status and types of relationships you're looking for, but no way to specify which genders if any you are interested in talking to. I've been mulling over removing that part from my google profile because I can't mark that I'm only interested in women for relationships and dating.

It seems that every time a story breaks about a successful company, a bunch of envious and disgruntled people come out of the woodwork and jump onto the bandwagon headed straight for the founders' heads. A community of seemingly intelligent and rational individuals turns into the most rabid, emotionally-charged group of catty girls I've ever seen.

Yep. > A disgruntled former employee of Texas Auto Center chose a creative way to get back at the Austin-based dealership: He hacked into the company's computers and remotely activated the vehicle-immobilization system, which triggered the horn and disabled the ignition system in more than 100 of the vehicles. The dealership had installed the system in its cars as a way to deal with customers who fell behind on their payments.

But, is it more likely that the 4+ million security clearance holders are in on some large conspiracy to take away our freedoms, or that a disgruntled worker wanted to watch the world burn a little. Having worked in every facet of the NSA as a linguist/intelligence analyst/programmer/many other things, and CIA contractor for a year, I tend to think the latter, and I'm very vocal about my thoughts on the intelligence community.

Quote Examples using Disgruntled

It's "a weak point that competitors and disgruntled entrepreneurs use to attack our credibility," he wrote at the time. But in April this year, after AOL acquired TechCrunch, Mr. Arrington announced he was investing in start-ups again, while also becoming a limited partner in venture funds Benchmark Capital and SoftTechVC. Mr. Arrington has often said that transparency and full disclosure keep things above-board when his blog writes about companies he has some financial stake in.


Disgruntled definitions


in a state of sulky dissatisfaction

See also: dissatisfied