Disenchantment in a sentence as a noun

And I'd wager that Perelman's disenchantment has a lot more to do with people like Milner than vice versa.

In other words, how long before people get tired of clickbaits?I mentioned at the end at the disenchantment against linkbait.

One of the key initial moments in the disenchantment came with Sayyid Qutb[1]'s journey to the US and writing about it.

Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.

I first watched it in a slump of disenchantment that my "web design" skills would never amount to anything valuable or earth-shattering.

Im on the go right now so can't access links, but there have been a handful of posts here in the past 6mo or so of prominent members leaving, or sharing their disenchantment.

The way he marshals words in the service of outrage, anger and disenchantment with authority is extremely appealing to me, even when I disagree with him.

"I went through a short period of disenchantment and self-doubt, until I started looking at where the business had started and how far it had already come in just a couple of years.

Psychological defense mechanisms turned my bitter sense of disappointment into a dull sense of disenchantment.

Thus, a disenchantment with everything ensued leading to a total isolationist viewpoint.

I think the growing disenchantment that pops up towards makers like this from time to time is most closely related to a certain smugness that accompanies the presentation of the thing.

No, you have to go to Chicago, in some dungy, hole-in-the-wall bar, and sit in the mosh pit with skinheads who haven't showered for a week, and the band comes on and belts out an hour of angry, non-conformist anthems and just oozes with anger and disenchantment.

Before I get into why, I just wanted to mention that I totally know where you're coming from, as I graduated from college relatively recently with a degree that has very little to do with tech, and I definitely related to that feeling of disenchantment1.

Disenchantment definitions


freeing from false belief or illusions

See also: disillusion disillusionment