Discreteness in a sentence as a noun

These kinds of things can't be taught with the kind of discreteness that I think you'd like.

I love to analyze games and as a programmer there's quite a bit of neat stuff you can do due to the discreteness.

Certainly it can violate any kind of implied discreteness in the search.

Uhhhh... doesn't discreteness actually mean that it's not continuous?

The discreteness of our universe doesn't say anything about whether we're in a simulation or not.

When I was in college, one CS professor explained the difficulty of coding to me in terms of discreteness vs continuity.

Is it not "real" by simply being possible?As for discreteness of time, in quantum mechanics changes in state are modeled by square matrices over complex numbers.

Heck, we even mix countable and uncountable, continuity and discreteness.

Its one process, and its discreteness is a local illusion - its actually happening everywhere at once, which we seem to be bad at imagining.

My understanding is that it's not continuousness or discreteness that determines whether "less" or "fewer" is appropriate, but whether the noun the word describes is a "count" noun or a "mass" noun.

The classical Aristotelian discreteness is a limiting factor in its development.

Hopefully the quasi-discreteness of the brain reduces the computational requirements for a high fidelity simulation.

If anything, the discreteness of wants is an engineered phenomenon, or at least the result of developments of different social orders with a different position of the individual.

If I understand it correctly, they basically say "Our universe is discrete, therefore we're in a simulation".Ok, if "being in simulation" == "discreteness", than yes, "being in simulation" is meaningful.

I think one essential part of the Ultima formula was its geometric discreteness- The world was one in which the physics is broken into motion in orthogonal directions through discrete cells, and everything in the game leveraged this fact for maximum effect.

Discreteness definitions


the state of being several and distinct

See also: distinctness separateness severalty