Discordance in a sentence as a noun

I'll give you some of the cheer and awe, but will dispute the lack of discordance.

I think I can hear discordance and I think I can tell when blue notes are used.

The discordance in some DFA will instantly distract me.

The more discordance there is between the two, the worse it is for their brand image, whatever the motivation.

Thanks for that!Galicia is a great region, you feel like you're living both in the past and in the present at once, without discordance.

That's an important clinical clue, that discordance between identical twins.

Lift heavy; do Jiu Jitsu - deter the manager from ever attempting to verbally abuse you lest risking discordance.

And that can be fine--maybe the point of what you're doing is to highlight that discordance--but if you do it without understanding how and why they work, you're just creating a trainwreck.

The discordance of identical twins for all human behavioral characteristics amply proves that.

Your article points out, we can't tell.> "The discordance between written feedback and scores suggests subconscious gender bias bleeds into the review process — influencing both male and female reviewers.

Just as the computer is only going to do what it is explicitly told to do, when discordance occurs at a business, the lowest common denominator will be those things which have been made explicit.

Since there is already a somewhat stifled political debate, the diversion works on all levels, every single time, to spread FUD, disruption, renewed outrage, discordance and confusion.

I beg your pardon for the discordance on a tiny detail but "gave birth to 60 countries" is exactly the kind of arrogant imperial mindset behind "ottoman empire" or any other empire for that matter.

Simplifying that code, and migrating the data regularlyCode has been pretty malleable, making it easy to factor in common patterns, erase accidental complexity, and generally bring commonality where there was discordance.

"Yes, this tends to be true, however discordance between them is possible - and generally not a good thing.> "Cholesterol isn't the only risk factor for cardiovascular disease"Sure, but I think the whole of the field has rabbit-holed on lipids for too long, ignoring actual causal factors.

Discordance definitions


a harsh mixture of sounds

See also: discord


strife resulting from a lack of agreement

See also: discord