Discontinue in a sentence as a verb

But a lot of drug addicts happily did and they had to discontinue the offer.

If Google decided to discontinue the product, it would be painful to move.

Didn't know it existed... that said.. this is how you discontinue a product.

And this is why you want to discontinue products and services your engineers can't be motivated to maintain.

Why doesn't Apple discontinue and disable the QuickTime plugin, if they really have the users' interests at heart?

I understand breaking the rules but black hat?It seems like I could contract a spammer and discontinue the contractor services when getting a HN frontpage.

As such, we've decided as a team to discontinue our use of LeadLander and focus our efforts on other ways to engage website visitors.

The community has already switched to Jenkins, and I bet it's a matter of time before Oracle announces they discontinue Hudson, too.

Ill also discontinue making any further investments," when you fast forward to 2011, his statement is an implicit admission that he's trying to undermine TechCrunch's credibility:"I have also become a limited partner in two venture funds, Benchmark Capital and SoftTech VC. I am considering investments in a few other venture funds and a couple of startups as well, but have nothing further to announce yet....

Discontinue definitions


put an end to a state or an activity; "Quit teasing your little brother"

See also: stop cease quit


come to or be at an end; "the support from our sponsoring agency will discontinue after March 31"


prevent completion; "stop the project"; "break off the negotiations"

See also: break stop