Disconcerted in a sentence as an adjective

This maybe disconcerted them when they reached te visual glide.

I just got back to the UK after my first trip to SF and was disconcerted at the lack of culture shock.

I'm a little disconcerted by the fact that no-one involved in this is a mathematician, full stop.

While it certainly doesn't take much to piece together who I am, I do get oddly disconcerted by people who I grew up with who are only now getting online.

That's a clever idea, but I think that most users would be disconcerted by the sheer amount of information that's collected by most web sites already.

Does the energy in an A-bomb make the bang and information tells it what to destroy?I was disconcerted by the author's fuzziness regarding information.

This could get arbitrarily ugly; I was ... disconcerted to see a still of a network video titled "Russian Tanks in the Ukraine" ... that actually showed self-propelled artillery, which means nothing good.

Disconcerted definitions


having self-possession upset; thrown into confusion; "the hecklers pelted the discombobulated speaker with anything that came to hand"; "looked at each other dumbly, quite disconcerted"- G.B.Shaw

See also: discombobulated