Disburse in a sentence as a verb

That the CEO had the right to the money but said "disburse to the employees instead".

You'll need a US bank account to disburse payments to, since Stripe does not have wallet functionality.

As in, I can create address A, get coins into it, then create addresses B-Z, disburse coins into them, then collect them again?

This is sent to a Mexican bank with instructions to disburse, in $100 installments three times a week, to a beneficiary.

They actually use a payment processor and the full charge is 4%.It states they also disburse the donations, which may actually end up being a rather good deal.

In order to help us disburse all funds to you and file your tax forms properly, please verify that your Tax ID and business name match what is shown on your income tax return.

50s aren't particularly common, but ATMs in Nevada and Reno disburse all large amounts using Benjamins.

On top of operating the parent business, for each entity you will have to prepare and send out K1s, make numerous compliance-related and SEC filings, and correctly disburse funds once liquidity arises.

Of course this assumes the concurrent deployment of a nationwide Smart Grid that could store and disburse the variable sources of wind power as needed using a variety of technologies gas or coal peaking, utility scale storage via batteries or fly-wheels, etcThat parenthetical comment, dismissed with the lead-in "Of course..." is actually itself a huge technological hurdle that is decades away from reality.

Disburse definitions


expend, as from a fund