Disbelieve in a sentence as a verb

Google+ currently even chooses to disbelieve that a person's first and last names can be the same.

" Long story, but I strongly disbelieve this, especially with regards to food.

You can't just say "I disbelieve" and suddenly disempower all systems you disagree with.

At least half of voters outright believe that, and even among those that ostensibly don't, they don't disbelieve it all that strongly.

Knowing several people who disbelieve evolution or climate change, I think this is not really true and the wrong attitude to take.

A knee-jerk reaction to believe anything that goes against conventional wisdom is no better than a knee-jerk reaction to disbelieve it.

Did they disbelieve it went smoothly as you described, or did they lack confidence in your conclusion that the _reason_ it went smoothly was because of the particular tools chosen?

In contrast, children aged 8 and 9 years remembered fewer than 40% of the early-life events".It is wrong to disbelieve him without knowing the standard deviation of the results.

I don't necessarily disbelieve here but it strikes me that VCs have the curious property of always giving fundraising advice which is in the interest of VCs.

He didn't have any reason to disbelieve his contact at Tesla when they said the lost range would return - ****, I've had Tesla fans tell me that their cars don't really lose range overnight, it's just calculated wrong, and I'm spreading FUD by pointing the range loss out. I bet they'd be going after Broder for that too if he'd waited for more of a charge.

This story forces me to put on my "disbelieve, disbelieve, disbelieve" mental filters as I read, so I can remind myself that the story does not have the grounds in reality it claims, lest I believe it wrongly.

For instance 3 of the 4 remaining Republican candidates for President actively disbelieve the scientific consensus on topics such as evolution and global warming.

I so disbelieve in his argument that I won't sign up for G+.Besides, as Upton Sinclair was fond of saying, "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.

You'll notice that even this article doesn't claim that all memory prior to age 7 is irretrievably erased, and it's fully possible you truly have the memories you have -- but it's nonetheless improbable, and it isn't wrong to disbelieve you.

Creating artificial scarcities to sustain someones business model is ridiculousI read your words, but all I hear you saying is "I want free media".Do you fundamentally disbelieve in the concept of paying someone for the use/enjoyment of IP they produced?

> "The Jonathan's Card experiment was completely my idea, Starbucks had absolutely nothing to do with it, and until recently, I was scared to death that Starbucks might sue the **** out of me."What part of that is unclear?Believe or disbelieve him, but the statement is unambiguous.

There is a minority of disbelievers that want biblical literalism taught in the classroom, but I think most truly believe that evolution is probably untrue, and at best, unproven, and simply want what they feel is the evidence taught in the classroom, instead of one unsupported or weak theory taught with cherry-picked evidence.

Do you have any large-scale statistical tests backing up your assertion that if you push 10 posts a day to peoples' Facebook feeds, your readership will shrink?I don't disbelieve your assertion that you personally would find it annoying, but I know a good number of large, successful blogging brands do indeed push to social media multiple times a day, and it seems to work for them.

Disbelieve definitions


reject as false; refuse to accept

See also: discredit