Disapprove in a sentence as a verb

Of course you have grounds to "raise outrage", if you disapprove at what they are doing. If you don't, that's a choice.

Oh, someone might disapprove? And that ******* matters why?"

I have no grounds to "raise outrage" at my government for spying on foreigners, much as I might disapprove. They don't break any laws when they do that.

Ever since the government started doing things that I disapprove of, I also stopped enjoying the things I like.

And judging by this post, societal norms are also working just fine to disapprove of the behavior. The guy has come up with a new way to violate laws/social norms, to be sure.

I think that the goal is not so much to harm the minority group as it is a form a status signalling: showing that "we" disapprove of what "they" do. ******* was banned in the US because of its use by blacks.

Knowing these things about a person does little more than give you something to like/dislike, approve/disapprove, etc. about them.

We disapprove of state education. Then the socialists say that we are opposed to any education.

A poll earlier this week found that the majority of Americans want Snowden charged and disapprove of what he has done. You need to start with petitioning your fellow Americans.

They don't seem to care about contributions from the community, and they obviously don't want people using their code in ways they disapprove of. It seems that the major reason for open sourcing their code must be something else.

This deserves a lot more of a response but for now I'll just leave this: Liberty is about the ability of the individual to do things that others disapprove of. You don't need liberty if everyone else approves of your actions.

I reserve the right to approve or disapprove of anyone I please, but I don't advocate systematic and/or governmental oppression of people I disagree with. That's what bigots do, and specifically what Card does."

I see no reason prospective employers should know that I'm a socialist or enjoy anime conventions, and many of them would almost certainly disapprove of one of those two.

Most people in your life are always going to disapprove of entrepreneurial decisions, or outside-the-norm inclinations. If you're always looking outward for validation, you're never going to get it.

I don't have the option of using the downvote, so if I disapprove of content, the only way I can do so is to post a negative comment. I know a lot of people in the community consider this a good thing, but I think it also leads to a lot of negative comments that wouldn't otherwise get posted.

Allowing people to buy pre-loaded cards with credit cards is a very, very high-risk business to be in, regardless of whether your local authorities approve or disapprove of the idea.

Too many academic institutions claim they are all about learning and growing and leadership, until you do something they disapprove of in the slightest way, usually because it rocks their boat in the slightest way. We’ve seen how Stalin-esque they act when they don’t get their way, time and time again with varying degrees of force.

This is why /r/poltics has such a intense liberal bias - all it takes is a 51% of the users to disapprove of an article that supports republicans in order for the submission to disappear from view of everyone else. Imagine how horrible the news would be if an entire political viewpoint is censored just because the majority believes differently.

Why aren't sites taking my history of voting/flagging and running some machine learning on the the contents of the stories associated with that history to try to tease out patterns in what I appear to approve and disapprove of? For myself personally I wouldn't care if I ever read another article on coffescript or libertarian politics.

It's a safe bet they'll get the message that doing things like that in the future is undesirable, because having people vociferously disapprove of you isn't a pleasant experience. It might not fix the attitudes of the people who wrote that line, but if it discourages the expression of those attitudes, the culture will radically change in a quite short period of time regardless of whether or not those individuals ever get a clue.

Could you ever imagine buying a house that doesn't allow you to perform certain activities inside its walls, because the architects and engineers who built it disapprove, and they're fully in control of it? Neither would I. It wouldn't be true ownership. Yet that's exactly what's happening here. The OP bought a Mac, but he can't perform certain activities, because the company that built it disapproves, and they control his machine."

And if this doesn't work, eventually when you try to message a Catholic, Mormon, Muslim, or other religiously-observant person from a denomination whose leaders publicly disapprove of homosexuality, you'll see a message from OKCupid like: Religion isn't normally the business of a website. But you've expressed an interest in dating someone whose religion denies equal rights to gay people.

Disapprove definitions


consider bad or wrong


deem wrong or inappropriate; "I disapprove of her child rearing methods"

See also: reject