Diplomacy in a sentence as a noun

His diplomacy here, as well as with Bethesda, has been stellar: Not "Steam is a DRM-ridden mess that I wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole, bwa ha ha!

Regardless of whether this was a kind gesture or a defensive move, I think it was very well stated, and an excellent example of diplomacy.

The phrase "to be honest" signals that the next bit is going to sacrifice an unusually large amount diplomacy for an unusually large amount of honesty.

In any given exchange, the speaker is likely optimizing both honesty and diplomacy, trading one against the other as the situation requires.

Since I'm always going to war to defend whoever's about to get wiped out, unfortunately, I'm switching sides constantly, and diplomacy is basically out of the question.

I once read a and used a quote on open diplomacy written after the First World War and how the world would be a better place if states would avoid making secret pacts and deals with and against each other.

There is no shortage of diplomats, and a few eccentric and unwavering voices is then much more useful to maintain the goals of where we want to actually go without moving the goal in favor of diplomacy.

Using "unbreakable" for "the disclosure of information that could only have been obtained by breaking it, thereby disclosing our capability of breaking it, would be a calamity for national security, diplomacy, and the economy".

I don't know if his real-world diplomacy informed his EVE playing, or the reverse, or if it was just a matter of being interested in that activity, but I find the whole concept of a real-world diplomat who plays a virtual spaceship diplomat in his spare time to be fascinating.

Diplomacy definitions


negotiation between nations


subtly skillful handling of a situation

See also: delicacy discreetness finesse


wisdom in the management of public affairs

See also: statesmanship statecraft