Diluted in a sentence as an adjective

Now that they've diluted the brand so much, I'm a lot less likely to look when they announce a new bundle.

The only fruit juice he gets to have is extremely diluted with water.

We assume we get diluted down to 2% by exit, and I am one of several partners in YC.

The stories about being diluted out of ownership are common because it happens all the time.

Although as more people race to become founders and teach themselves, this pool probably gets diluted.

I'd as the CFO questions like "What's the total number of shares outstanding on a fully diluted basis?

The word 'hacker' has been diluted to a new lowfirst to 'somebody who can write a web app', to now 'somebody who can install software'

Security found no traces of explosives, which had been diluted to the point that it wasn't present - thus making the devices even more effective.

Democratic decisions will tend to be compromised by the diluted community.

And if this is the path you take, look out cause some time in the future they will try to play a legal game in which you hang on to your shares but they get diluted down to almost nothing.

As a result, as the company kept needing money, and since they couldn't' get outside Capital, they kept using Jobs' capital, and other founders would get diluted as Jobs would buy more and more shares by putting more and more money into it to keep it afloat.

I can finally let go of my plan to abandon my family, move to the bay area, drain my life savings, live in a shoebox, stumble from one conference and event to the next hoping to network and find my messiah & co-founder, try to get funded, grow my business to someone else's expectations, all for a tiny fraction of a chance to succeed and be either a slave to my own company or lose control of my baby and walk away with diluted equity.

Diluted definitions


reduced in strength or concentration or quality or purity; "diluted alcohol"; "a dilute solution"; "dilute acetic acid"

See also: dilute