Dictated in a sentence as an adjective

Their form is dictated by the form of our being and intellect and the shape of our world.

Is your moral compass really dictated by the state?

Too me this story sounds genuine and not like a pr move dictated by Microsoft.

Sailors' sleep patterns are mostly dictated by their watch schedule.

By the way, KAL dictated the profiles for all sessions and we just administered them.

The new terms are dictated to artists: your stuff will be available for free online.

I definitely don't want my time dictated by others.

They bid for them defensively as dictated by a broken patent system.

It is far more commonly true that the price of a product is dictated by what consumers are willing to pay.

Your discussions with all of the other doctors will all basically be dictated by this report.

His choice of destination may have been dictated by where he could fly on a nonstop airline flight from Hawaii, where he was last based.

It is not generally realized to what extent the words and actions of our most influential public men are dictated by shrewd persons operating behind the scenes.

The danger is that they crack the server and get the list of password hashes, at which point the time to crack a password is dictated by the hardware at their disposal and the hashing algorithm.

But the cost structures of existing players aren't always dictated by the fundamentals, but also by their own organizational baggage and structure.

His response was dictated by emotion and not his head, and it's painted him into a corner of referring to sound crypto as "dogma" that can be navigated by programmer common sense.

It is dictated by a rising bureaucracy, a receding initiative, a freezing of caste, a damming of curiosity - a hundred other factors.

As an H1-B visa holder in a right to work state, my presence here is dictated by either the benevolence of my employer or by my own duplicitousness when I carefully conceal my interviews with other firms.

Dictated definitions


determined or decided upon as by an authority; "date and place are already determined"; "the dictated terms of surrender"; "the time set for the launching"

See also: determined