Diatribe in a sentence as a noun

Take a deep breath before you spew out some diatribe on your blog.

Who knows!The fact that such a contentless diatribe is at #1 is depressing.

It's probably easiest if I just show you the language in action, rather than going through a long diatribe.

Imagine if someone posted a diatribe against one of your children.

The goal of this diatribe appears to be to justify CoffeeScript's design, but to me it counts against it.

You could have at least read the article fully before going on a diatribe about Microsoft based on what they name a style guide.

Every time startups are mentioned, you have a lengthy diatribe over how Silicon Valley sucks.

Arrington's self-righteous, dismissive diatribe here leaves me with exactly the opposite impression about him.

Can you please stop turning every thread into a diatribe against Google or pitching open allocation as a panacea to all organizational problems?1.

Reading this diatribe--and assuming your 50 emails were written similarly--I am forced to accept one of two conclusions: either you're not aware that your writing is unprofessional, or you're aware that it's unprofessional and unconcerned.

Also, why would it be better to pay 80% of your labor directly to a king who would let you starve after a bad harvest or two than it would be to deal with some douchey suits?I mean you can't really be serious with this, it's just a diatribe against the existing corporate hegemony, am I wrong?

Diatribe definitions


thunderous verbal attack

See also: fulmination