Dialectic in a sentence as a noun

I ll fork voynich, merge them with codex s. if cc, scramble with hegels dialectic and add a mix of brainfuck + plan 9 kernel in obscured form, and sell.

Nobody would have heard about it, and there'd be no internet dialectic about it.

It kinda has a similar problem to the Hegelian dialectic that Marx built his stuff on.

"The number 2 is a very dangerous number: that is why the dialectic is a dangerous process.

Dialectic in a sentence as an adjective

I have a problem with those who do so but then completely deny the other pole on the dialectic legitimacy.

[3][4]In addition, and this is more a personal quibble, there seems to be an inclination towards debate vs dialectic.

What's more, I think the more discerning will also be suspicious of the "post-multiverse" dialectic.

But I fear it is also pernicient and overall negative for normal people and the hole society, because it generates waste, frustration, greed, and so on...Disc: I live in China, where the Best/Worst dialectic exists, but is obviously drawn along very different lines.

Dialectic definitions


any formal system of reasoning that arrives at the truth by the exchange of logical arguments


a contradiction of ideas that serves as the determining factor in their interaction; "this situation created the inner dialectic of American history"


of or relating to or employing dialectic; "the dialectical method"

See also: dialectical