Deviousness in a sentence as a noun

Only offering a discount to those who cheat the system seems to be rewarding deviousness.

So perhaps I am missing the deviousness?Plus, since more people are at home during the holidays, wouldn't more people actually be watching the news?

"seems to be rewarding deviousness" There is a common misalignment of values, between that which is 'practical' and that which is 'right'.

I believe that this book can a similar purpose ,in the security context, for those of us to whom deviousness and cunning do not come naturally.

Go after each other based on subjective interpretations of whatever deviousness we imagine we see;2.

However, cheating doesn't show ability in anything, other than deviousness.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if speech conventions had a very strict social hierarchy attributed to meaningful measures such as confidence and deviousness.

It also implies a deviousness that will scare investors; if they're willing to screw a friend and risk such a serious dispute, then it's also possible that they'll wander into similar situations in the future.

Here he used his talents for deviousness and vitriol in a more socially acceptable way, successfully conducting a major campaign against counterfeiting, even sending several men to their death on the gallows.

As Lawrence Lessing described it,The series of body blows that FM radio received right after the war, in a series of rulings manipulated through the FCC by the big radio interests, were almost incredible in their force and deviousness.

It's obviously ridiculous, just like charging his mother with obstruction is, but you kind of have to marvel at the prosecutor's deviousness in charging him for something that would have been innocuous if they weren't charging him for something else.

Deviousness definitions


the quality of being oblique and rambling indirectly

See also: obliqueness


the quality of being deceitful and underhanded

See also: crookedness