Developing in a sentence as a noun

What is the probable chance of failure of a new business in developing a new product?

After spending 200+ hours developing the system, not a dime has been seen or givenFreelancers should always try to get at least a deposit upfront.

In 10 years, do you want to be the old and busted equivalent of the MFC expert whose software was hot in year 2000?You don't make the Googles, Facebooks, Twitters, of the world by developing just for iOS.

"I read a great article a while back that I unfortunately can't find now, but it talked about a CEO who thought he was having a casual "hey, I'm interested in developing my skills, can you mentor me a bit?

Developing in a sentence as an adjective

It's developing that filter experts have which separates relevant information from irrelevant information.

Population in the developing world is growing, but metrics for quality of life are improving --- we're eradicating disease, reducing malnutrition, enrolling students, and starting to enable bottom-up markets.

According to your article you sit back and say "oh thats totally ok because thats innovation and I'm happy that everyone has copied me and destroyed my advantage".The problems with the patent industry are patents abused by companies who have absolutely no interest in developing them but rather trolling them to simply extract money from other companies.

Developing definitions


processing a photosensitive material in order to make an image visible; "the development and printing of his pictures took only two hours"

See also: development


relating to societies in which capital needed to industrialize is in short supply

See also: underdeveloped