Deterioration in a sentence as a noun

This is a deterioration in pricing power largely being driven by the shift to computing on mobile devices.

And an approximate measure of the gradual deterioration of your body.

But if the brain is simply "paused" without deterioration, I don't see why consciousness couldn't return once blood flow is restored.

I wonder if they ever resolved the storage deterioration problem.

But that same person can boost their muscle mass 20% in a single year if they just get serious about strength training, and then slow the deterioration to 1 or 2% thereafter.

I have friends and family in Argentina and the pace of economic deterioration is quickening.

However, at the end of three years, 'medication use was a significant marker not of beneficial outcome, but of deterioration.

This is the biggest danger we face - the slow deterioration of our privacy to the point where when things like this emerge, a large part of the population's reaction is "why didn't you expect this?

I have no desire to join doctors in following this model that allows them to charge big bucks and claim credit for the short term improvements while blaming long term deterioration on my condition.

The weaker submissions are therefore competing against other submissions that are more deserving of our attention, contributing to the dreaded "deterioration of HN quality.

There was even an entire cottage industry documenting and recommending/selling replacements particularly for analog components on the power board, some of which were perhaps a bit under-spec-ed in the original designs and prone to noticeable deterioration as well as outright, total failure.

"Charitable, in turn, has its own specific meaning: it includes "relief of the poor, the distressed, or the underprivileged; advancement of religion; advancement of education or science; erecting or maintaining public buildings, monuments, or works; lessening the burdens of government; lessening neighborhood tensions; eliminating prejudice and discrimination; defending human and civil rights secured by law; and combating community deterioration and juvenile delinquency.

Deterioration definitions


a symptom of reduced quality or strength

See also: impairment


process of changing to an inferior state

See also: declension worsening