Deserve in a sentence as a verb

He didn't deserve that, and it was all my fault.

And some who have obscurity deserve more funding.

If you compensate employees with options, they deserve whatever they end up being worth.

But two things, first, supporting prop 8 does not mean you "believe a certain group of people don't deserve to live their lives like others.

You may be proud for the sacrifices you have made and the hard work you have put into your idea, but you deserve nothing for it.

They deserve some kind of medal for that, by the way, because I have no dog in this fight at all and I can't seem to shut up about the unfairness of it all.

It doesn't happen often enough that abusive litigants get what they deserve but, when it does occasionally happen, it is very nice to see.

Can you not accept that Jobs was a great leader who didn't deserve to die, but that he left a scary, proprietary footprint all over the mobile and tablet space?

If there were an asterisk attached that said, "...but only if people agree in retrospect that you deserve the money," nobody would accept them as payment.

We as a nation lose out. While he can't single-handedly deserve credit for our slide into partisan bickering and bureaucracy, he proudly contributes more than his share.

"I think that he has to realize he's bringing investors in as a new constituency right now, and I think he's got to show them the respect that they deserve because he's asking them for their money.

But assuming the report is accurate, this is unacceptable behavior and I'd like to see more employees who take a risk on startups getting what they deserve and enforcing their rights.

I generally agree with you but I think the problem here is that being against gay marriage is more than just a "political view." Being for low taxes is a political view. Being for smaller government is a political view. Believing a certain group of people don't deserve to live their lives like other simply because of who they love is not a political view. It reads as extremely hateful and that makes people uncomfortable.

Deserve definitions


be worthy or deserving; "You deserve a promotion after all the hard work you have done"

See also: merit