Deserts in a sentence as a noun

Why should I bother to try fitting in?But yes, the adults could have looked at the situation and realised that the bully was getting their just deserts.

For the US that means the southern end of Florida, and while there are plenty of big empty deserts in the US, the southern end of Florida is not one of them.

In a political economy when someone does something stupid, everyone else goes without so that morons can grow rice and almonds in deserts.

Regardless of copying and just deserts, regardless of the fact that this wasn't going to be settled in this case, no one here should be cheering the current standard for acceptable software patents.

As they march across barren deserts, locusts carefully keep track of each other so they can remain within striking distance to consume one another a cruel, but very efficient, survival strategy.

One of the curiosities of the western high deserts is that there are several industries where that environment is conducive to efficient and economical facilities.

LOL modern pilots are a little GPS focused and not as good at dead reckoning and pilotage as the olden days, and deserts are kind of featureless, but tricking a human into landing on the wrong side of the front lines is a pretty unlikely outcome.

Deserts definitions


an outcome (good or bad) that is well deserved

See also: comeuppance comeupance