Deprivation in a sentence as a noun

That's where you find the deprivation - in the money that is no longer changing hands.

Manning was kept for 3 years in prison, half of that in solitary, with sleep deprivation and all that - with no charge.

And here is a big problem: it's not because they want to give you economic choices but because of sexual deprivation.

The analogy to sleep deprivation seems telling: everyone thinks they can run on 4 hours a night, because their brain plays tricks on them.

One thing that having a kid taught me is that sleep deprivation really hurts my productivity as a programmer.

The military was conducting research on sleep deprivation.

Bradley Manning was submitted to sleep deprivation & extreme isolation, both of which are widely regarded as torture by civilized people.

That often includes things like the design of systems to reduce the possibility of human error, or even such things as shift patterns which risk causing sleep deprivation.

Freedom of speech and religion, equal protection of the laws and protections against governmental deprivation of life, liberty or property are important, whether or not they are in the Constitution.

It's pretty striking that a media organization which has almost no restriction on the words it publishes would characterize a torture program that included 183 waterboardings and 180 hours of sleep deprivation as "harsh interrogation"

Severe sleep deprivation can result in all the psychotic symptoms of florid mania even for most people without a medical history of mood disorders, and it is particularly dangerous for people who have already been through an episode of mania.

Deprivation definitions


a state of extreme poverty

See also: privation want neediness


the disadvantage that results from losing something; "his loss of credibility led to his resignation"; "losing him is no great deprivation"

See also: loss


act of depriving someone of food or money or rights; "nutritional privation"; "deprivation of civil rights"

See also: privation