Dendrite in a sentence as a noun

In fact, most of a neuron's computation my be carried out by the dendrites.

Which is why dendrite, in monolith mode, runs their own kafka replacement called naffka

He was really obsessed with those apical dendrites.

I'd like dendrite to be the agent you use with logstash, greylog, papertrail, or whatever.

I think the agnostic nature of dendrite will be a big win, as dev/ops people can persist their data to multiple stores, or swap out stores more easily.

I'm much more excited at this point by conduit, dendrite is cool, but the goal of federation should be easy to install, easy to run, cheap to run.

Novice question:A given dendrite has a voltage raise, presumable because of transmitter from a neighboring neuron.

Many human cortical neurons have a structure called an apical dendrite which isn't depicted in undergraduate neuroscience textbooks.

The dendrite trees that connect these synapses to a soma have at most another 10^14 branching points, so modeling them all explicitly, in the worst case, only doubles the model size; but it might also give also significant possibilities for optimization, if these 'dendritic' calculations can be modelled as a simple formula.

Proper Noun Examples for Dendrite

Can Dendrite consume/scrape some existing/old log files?Yes, dendrite tails/follows, with optional backfilling.> Did you use some internal queue in the design, like rsyslog is doing?Since you're using existing logs, all we do is maintain a pointer into the logs on disk.

Dendrite definitions


short fiber that conducts toward the cell body of the neuron