Demur in a sentence as a noun

You temporarily lost me at the first line with "...prefer to demure on".

Cell carriers lie and demur about what performance they actually provide.

"Some experience with..." or something, to show that "Hey, I've seen this, I've played with it, I've got some concepts down, but if you ask me about this I am totally going to demur".

Is he politely asking these women if they would like to be thrown off the overpass and politely walking off when they demur?

People who aren't so smart are used to demurring to others for answers -- a priest, a counselor, a politician, a teacher.

I note that the writer has fallen into the trap of a false cognate - or, at least, a near-homonym - by writing "demure" when he/she meant "demur".

Demur in a sentence as a verb

Clearly you feel yourself above reproach in this regard, so I'm not sure what reason you could possibly have to demur, when I require that you prove, to my satisfaction, your standing to argue as you do on this subject.

It is unlikely that those who demur with 'nolo episcopari' attain positions of importance in a representative democracy.

If someone only has one interest which is sports, I can politely demur or listen depending on whether I have the time, exactly the same as if I met someone who wants to monologue at me about locomotives for 6 hours.

If they do say something they're careful to use a light touch, and make it easy for the customer to quickly demur; they certainly don't use linguistic tricks like the article advocates in order to trap the customer into "engagement.

A related problem in society is the assumption of ignorance; if someone expresses a passionate opinion and you demur, it seems more and more common for your interlocutor to assume you don't know some key fact in their worldview rather than solicit the basis of your disagreement.

Demur definitions


(law) a formal objection to an opponent's pleadings

See also: demurral demurrer


take exception to; "he demurred at my suggestion to work on Saturday"

See also: except


enter a demurrer