Demon in a sentence as a noun

You can conjure demons, speak arcane words to them, and the problems just go away.

I then asked a good friend of mine from that job who had grown up doing ***** and around ***** if he had seen demons.

It's about a step removed from saying someone who denies Jesus Is Lord has been possessed by a demon.

Find someone with a problem that they think is a Really Big Deal because they are not on speaking terms with any demons.

This image of a demon/*****/satan has a relatively coherent meaning.\n\nWhat image would that be?

Anyone else think the costume would be about 17% more unnerving if the demon's face didn't look as if it had just been smacked with a cartoon frying pan?

This image of a demon/*****/satan has a relatively coherent meaning.

You can't compare measurements taken on different computers, for all you know the OP has a potato and I have a speed demon toaster.

There is certainly room for improvement, but people in HN seem to have an particularly high disdain for the surface's covers... they're not the demon they're made out to be.

However back when they were released, Wolf3d and Doom had my heart racing and even made me jump -frequently- because picking up a red key opened a secret room filled with **** demon.

I had reoccurring nightmares from the time I was a child onward that I was being attacked by demons, or that a family member was actually a demon waiting to **** me.

This got me curious so I started researching demons on the internet and found that they're basically treated as mythology.\nThat pretty much opened the floodgates.

Demon definitions


an evil supernatural being

See also: devil fiend daemon daimon


a cruel wicked and inhuman person

See also: monster fiend devil ogre


someone extremely diligent or skillful; "he worked like a demon to finish the job on time"; "she's a demon at math"