Demolition in a sentence as a noun

And those old mob run casinos, you'll find their demolition videos on youtube.

Its kind of an empty slum area about a decade after the demolition.

The demolition of the academic job market started then and hasn't stopped.

The rest of us are house-painters, and the houses we paint are slated for demolition within our own lifetimes.

The goal of the campaign was to purchase the Wardenclyffe property and prevent its demolition.

I'd love to see a sin city meets bladerunner kind of thing but I'm gonna be pessimistic and expect demolition man...

Web Urbanist just covered a dangerous and common Chinese demolition method.

Blowing everything up may benefit you today, but if you survive long enough to see the next demolition spree, then you'll be the one getting 'sploded.

I've done yard work and demolition for a few very rich people and I was always appreciative when they came down with drinks--most didn't do anything other than hide out upstairs and wait for us to leave.

If we don't raise up our confidence to overwhelm Authority's much more toxic arrogance, with the intent of the latter's decisive and irreversible demolition, the world loses.

I feel like having an administrator for every imaginable function and the demolition and replacement of perfectly serviceable academic buildings might be more of a factor...

This does not suggest an availability of actual empty land.> "and there are tons of under-developed areas"And yes, that's precisely what I referring to when I mentioned that any new development would have to involve demolition and replacement.

Guys parachuted into occupied enemy territory, knowing that they faced execution by the Gestapo if they were caught, trekked cross-country for weeks, hid out in the wilderness for months and snuck into a heavily-guarded facility to plant demolition charges.

Home interest mortgage deduction, demolition of urban neighborhoods for freeways, the funneling of tax dollars away from cities and towards new suburban/exurban development, the wholesale dismantling of public trolley and transit systems..Detroit is just one example of many.

Demolition definitions


an event (or the result of an event) that completely destroys something

See also: destruction wipeout


the act of demolishing