Democracy in a sentence as a noun

It's an insane way for a democracy to treat its citizens.

It's one of those things we must concede for democracy -- we need to entrust our freedom to people who can protect it.

But don't scream democracy doesn't work when it doesn't get passed because not enough people care about it or agree with it.

rant> I am so sick of these democracy doesn't work, the powers that be own us, utterly worthless statements.

The fact that you're even worried about this shows how far our country has slid in terms of liberty and democracy.

Online communities are not democracies any more than your back garden is a democracy.

If you remember from the game Civilization, democracy is not a good system for a warmongering state.

"Once he reached the conclusion that the NSA's surveillance net would soon be irrevocable, he said it was just a matter of time before he chose to act. "What they're doing" poses "an existential threat to democracy", he said.

But privacy is critical to a meaningful democracy.

A republic or democracy presupposes that the majority of representatives will get it right eventually.

Do you understand just how little shouting that democracy doesn't work would have accomplished when faced with moral injustices like that?If your solution isn't getting passed, work on convincing people that it's the right solution.

The philosophical dimension of a weighted democracy doing better what kings and emperors through antiquity failed to do is a powerfully individualist statement.

Plenty of Republicans etc. also believe that abortion, or even contraception provided by your health plan, is "absolutely unacceptable", "flat out wrong" and a "backwards mentality".But we live in a democracy, where we need to get along.

The United States democracy-building campaigns played a bigger role in fomenting protests than was previously known, with key leaders of the movements having been trained by the Americans in campaigning, organizing through new media tools and monitoring elections.

Democracy definitions


the political orientation of those who favor government by the people or by their elected representatives


a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them

See also: republic commonwealth


the doctrine that the numerical majority of an organized group can make decisions binding on the whole group