Delineation in a sentence as a noun

While you could argue that one would learn the buttons in time, the delineation issue won't go away.

It's been over 10+ years, but there was a clear delineation between home "smoke alarms" and commercial "smoke detectors".

Something I think the OP doesn't get is that this delineation into high and low quality people isn't useful anymore.

And only after repeated nudges did Ben come out and make this clear delineation of behavior and consequence.

We need clear delineation of risks and costs associated with mitigation strategies, not mass panic.

People who want to downplay the importance of class delineation like to point to the extraordinary people who rise from poverty into success.

Simple visualization of the block allocations will show a clear delineation where the hidden partition starts.

Neural networks do not have a rigid delineation between instruction-storage, data-storage, and CPU.

If only the delineation was so clear, yet often I've be asked to implement a technical solution to a political or social problem, where a technical solution was not even needed.

Delineation definitions


a graphic or vivid verbal description; "too often the narrative was interrupted by long word pictures"; "the author gives a depressing picture of life in Poland"; "the pamphlet contained brief characterizations of famous Vermonters"

See also: word-painting depiction picture characterization characterisation


a drawing of the outlines of forms or objects

See also: depiction limning


representation by drawing or painting etc

See also: depiction portrayal