Delegation in a sentence as a noun

Both give you real data binding, and delegation rather than events.

You still get woken up once in a while, but not if the firm is well structured and the support training / delegation is good.

Its slowest parts are creating the context because of Sizzle and event delegation.

Any delegation of duty is done with strict specs, and bugs or terrible design in the finished product will get noticed.

Without special tools, however, this is hard for the implementers of Book, since now they have to write tons of little delegation methods.

Most of the delegation is attending the interfaith services here today re: the attack on the Boston marathon.

But you don't need to watch a lot of West Wing to realize that the skills required are primarily people-skills: communication, diplomacy, delegation and negotiation.

In delegation, two objects are involved in handling a request: a receiving object delegates operations to its delegate.

But they found fault with the homegrown production methods: Guha and his staff made the concoction themselves in his lab, and the WHO delegation found his facilities wanting by modern pharmaceutical manufacturing standards.

Every Backbone application I have seen is nothing but a messy event hub that mangles arbitrary DOM events with arbitrary Model events, and there is a metric **** ton of code that just re-invents data-binding and delegation.

Delegation definitions


a group of representatives or delegates

See also: deputation commission delegacy mission


authorizing subordinates to make certain decisions

See also: delegating relegating relegation deputation