Deign in a sentence as a verb

It's about "do not deign to speak for God.

And don't deign to tell programmers what they should know.

For professional deign work it's pretty much useless.

These are very human activities, and if we don't deign to use humans for them... well... why are we here?

Then stop complaining when other people read your beliefs into what you do deign to share with the community.

All of the "real" programmers said it was a toy and wouldn't deign to use it, but consumers bought it up and started creating their own apps.

What is completely unacceptable is the wholesale copying of his visual deign.

This is a really beautiful piece of writing; its quite a gift that Mona Simpson would deign to share such a personal eulogy with the world.

If you deign to lower your standard of living slightly for a short period of time you will be able to take a real chance at getting the opportunities you are looking for.

Your comment implies you don't think wisdom is useful or needed unless you in your post pubescent hubris deign to ask. However America is obsessed with youth, and culturally the older generation is undervalued, so on balance I value the OA's message more than yours.

There was a possibility the earlier facebook and twitter posts were the actions of a hack, but the company blog too?PS: I really wish the mods would deign to respons when stuff is getting mass deleted like this.

Smarties need to think countermeasures, and let these idiots root around in their own shite for a few years learning that they shouldn't deign to dictate what their betters have the "brainpower" to solve if they themselves can't figure out how.

Why am I installing something when I don't know what it is?Sites that expect you to already know what they are about, and do not deign to give so much as a sentence of explanation, are extraordinarily frustrating.

You stop worrying about making rent, take a year off and start something new without worrying about a paycheck, return to school to change careers without risk, have children and afford a babysitter, build the company you want to even if you don't have confidence it will succeed, hire a maid, have a lawyer do your taxes, have price insensitive vacations, wear fancy hats and expensive suites and deign to tell people how little difference money made in your life, ... shall I go on?

Deign definitions


do something that one considers to be below one's dignity

See also: condescend descend