Defeatist in a sentence as a noun

But to throw up your hands and claim there's no way out strikes me as a bit defeatist.

"Touch events are here to stay".Ugh, that's such a defeatist attitude.

Go's designers seemed to take a somewhat defeatist approach in this regard.

When protests don't work in democratic nations it's because defeatist attitudes keep people home.

"How about a scenario in which all the people who claim to be voting for the lesser of two evils reevaluate their own defeatist attitude?

Call me defeatist, but when I see an existing Bill of Rights being violated so frequently and carelessly, I don't think a new Bill of Rights would be a solution.

"Monkey-wrenching" usually appears silly to people who are defeatist or subservient to a particular order/agenda.

And if you're not doing that, then you're not doing your job, because the previous developer left the comment for a reason, and your defeatist philosophy of "comments are useless" is implicitly overriding that developer's judgment.

You're being down voted not because of the content of your viewpoint, but because what you say doesn't make sense, is not supported by any substantive reasoning or data and in general is meaningless defeatist rhetoric, antagonizing for the sake of it.

What drives me nuts about the organic movement is the implicit acceptance of the defeatist notion that if you don't like a few things about wherever science and progress have gotten us, you should just throw it all out the window and go retro and primitive rather than progress farther and try to fix it.

Defeatist definitions


someone who is resigned to defeat without offering positive suggestions

See also: negativist