Deface in a sentence as a verb

Seems like a very civilized way to deface a website, you have to love how GitHub changed the game.

If the web designer still owns the domain and server, go ahead and deface it to their hearts' content.

So why is it reasonable to require a tech company to deface their product?

His compromise was that he wouldn't touch our files or deface our websites so long as he could remain in control of the server.

You're not subjecting HN readers to a site under the control of a malicious party who may have done more than just deface it.

Script kiddies deface and publish all the time - the only reason the press was covering at all was because it was pushed and packaged in PR friendly ways.

Each chapter being about a defect in crypto implementation that allowed you to deface that particular website.

Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different.

The short and sweet:Lulzsec is encouraging everyone to deface government websites with #AntiSec as well as in physical graffiti.

Why does he all the sudden need to deface PBS because they printed negative press coverage of their favorite website, WikiLeaks?Are they really doing this for the good of mankind or are they just trying to get attention?

I've seen Saudi hackers deface websites with Quran thinking that somehow this'll make Islam more popular, and "Zionist" hackers deface websites with degrading pictures of Palestinians thinking that would champion their beliefs.

" At this point I became blind with nerd-rage and headed over here to cleanse myself...Ironic that it should deface Unix, because I think that dmr's immortal words[1] are particularly apt here: this piece is "a pudding stuffed with apposite observations, many well-conceived.

There is some intersection as of late, largely in the form of "Why hack and deface a WordPress install with your script kiddie tags when you could instead deface several hundred thousand WordPress installs with pharma links, thereby getting tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in affiliate commissions.

Deface definitions


mar or spoil the appearance of; "scars defaced her cheeks"; "The vandals disfigured the statue"

See also: disfigure blemish