Decode in a sentence as a verb

We can decode 30fps, but it's actually quite hard to find content!

The bad news is, you still have the legacy decoder sitting there taking up space.

It reads a sector, decodes it, and leisurely transmits the results back.

They transfer the raw data to the C64 and decode it there, letting the drive just read sectors and transmit the data.

There isn't one algorithm in the human mind to decode all of our mental capabilities.

Most of the opcodes in the SQLite VM are heavy-weight concepts such as "insert a key/value pair into a b-tree" or "decode the N-th column of a table row".

Strings were defined as sequences of bytes, and then provided a .decode method to convert them to a unicode object that stores them as a sequence of codepoints.

Replacing one short code with another, which requires a different and less reliable third-party service to correctly decode, doesn't seem like a good idea.

If I need to decode an instruction manual, I can just use an English-to-My-Native-Language dictionary or even a translator.

X86 instructions are often big and complicated and hard to decode, so much so that the machine doesn't use them internally in the various buffers and so forth that make up it's out of order engine.

* Latitudes and longitudes are unambiguous, well-understood, and don't require a third-party service to be online in order to correctly decode.

The class registration system has hardly changed in 20 years, has no support for namespaces, the type encodings available at runtime are complex-to-decode-strings, and the whole thing is, quite honestly, the kind of rickety design you'd expect to emerge from C hackers in the late 80s early 90s, incorporating none of the advances in the field from either Sun/Java or Microsoft/C#.ObjC predates the work on Strongtalk that led to the modern JVM, it either predates or fails to inherit from the language R&D outside of C, and predates the CLR runtime work done by Microsoft.

Decode definitions


convert code into ordinary language

See also: decrypt decipher