Decadence in a sentence as a noun

I have no sympathy for such decadence in general.

Someone's "decadence" is much easier to ignore if they don't keep bombing your villages and cities.

My point was that his decadence wasn't his actual "crime" and neither was any violation of the environment.

It's interesting how middle-class people in the first world elevate their own decadence to the level of a human right.

There's a blithe decadence in insisting that the details of movie-making fantasy conform exactly to your expectations.

London's design scene is full of this kind of "creative" activity, and it's super enjoyable to watch but probably a form of decline or decadence in terms of real manufacturing and craft.

Meanwhile the old growth civilization has long lost its martial prowess, and each individual resident faces a game theory optimum of continuing the decadence, rather than face the rigors of a martial life.

Even Christmas was controversial in early America because it was seen as a chiefly Catholic holiday that represented excess, decadence, and gluttony.

Neither of the systems or nations involved are keen on liberty, the only difference is one side has redefined what the word means in order to continue using it in elections, while the other outright believes personal freedom is a sign of decadence.

Decadence definitions


the state of being degenerate in mental or moral qualities

See also: degeneracy degeneration decadency