Deathly in a sentence as an adjective

"I think this goes back to how politicians are deathly afraid of ever, anywhere, being wrong.

People will be even more deathly afraid of being properly diagnosed and cared for, not the inverse.

I enjoyed the image of the zombie hordes of engineers spreading our deathly chill over these lands.

Probably because Microsoft was deathly afraid of being accused of "bundling".

The root problems are:1. Microsoft, as an organization, is deathly afraid something will **** the Windows/Office golden goose;2.

If same-hour delivery of a small menu is the future of retail, then Wal-Mart must be deathly afraid of Dominos.

Yes, actually people are deathly afraid of C thanks to other language inventor's excellent marketing against it.

Deathly in a sentence as an adverb

This is something the 90s, we're-deathly-afraid-of-linux Microsoft would do. So why now and not then?

"[P]eople are deathly afraid of C thanks to other language inventor's excellent marketing against it." Maybe, but I think the raison d'tre for C is not apparent to programmers who started with Java, Python, or Ruby.

Let the doublethink engulf your senses, and may the newspeak slip off your tongue, for it is clear that Big Brother is watching, and it appears that he is deathly afraid of the EU.

Innovation is abhorrent to conformity, and conformity puts a deathly pallor on creativity.

Of conversations which don't happen because the work space is deathly quiet due to everyone trying to work, and you can't just hop into a friend's office space and close the door so you don't bother other people, as just one of many examples.

In an area where 10 might be enough money to pay for a doctor's visit for a deathly ill child, or feed a family for a month, you'd probably get a lot of people risking their life and getting killed to get their hands on just one landmine, which strikes me as a singularly inefficient and cruel way to try and clear those fields.

Deathly definitions


having the physical appearance of death; "a deathly pallor"

See also: deathlike


causing or capable of causing death; "a fatal accident"; "a deadly enemy"; "mortal combat"; "a mortal illness"

See also: deadly mortal


to a degree resembling death; "he was deathly pale"