Dealership in a sentence as a noun

Once you've got the basics go to a car dealership and haggle with the sales guys. See what works to get you the lowest price.

It took me a second to realize it was the difference between the dealership and instamotor.

Not only that, the US lost their contribution to the local economy: they won't buy groceries, pay landlords or buy from the local car dealership. There is a huge missed opportunity there.

Its like walking into a car dealership, seeing that the sticker price is $10,000, and telling the salespeople that they really should let it go for $3,000. Also note the difference between I want to give my work away and you ought to give your work away.

Like imagine buying a car then the dealership sends a rep over and takes the nice stereo out and installs a cheaper model... but doesn't give you a refund, or a choice.

The obstacles being thrown in Tesla's path from the dealership associations fly in the face of capitalism and free enterprise. Before Tesla, I wasn't aware that these types of laws existed.

And many of the parts aren't repairable in any meaningful sense - you have to go to the dealership to get a new widget, and if your car is too old or too rare, you're just SOL and you have to buy a new car. If this is the world you want for software, I want no part of it.

This might be advertisers spending $10 - $50k / month, like your local Toyota dealership instead of the national dealer chain, etc. Ad Servers -- these help publishers.

It's just that with Wal-Mart, the customer pays the costs in occasional lump sums to the local gas station and garage and very occasionally to the car dealership, rather than paying Wal-Mart. This is, of course, very much to Wal-Mart's advantage.

The iMac is a family-friendly, automatic sedan or wagon for the kind of person who gets his oil changes done at the dealership because they have a nice waiting room there.

One time a few years ago I was contracted to redesign a large Mercedes dealership's website. They recommended IE6 too but the main issue wasn't what the user saw when visiting the page, it was the supplier CMS used to administrate it. This was enforced by Mercedes themselves, so all dealerships had to use it.

So to start with, we have this statute in Massachusetts that says it is unlawful for a car manufacturer "to own or operate, either directly or indirectly through any subsidiary, parent company or firm, a motor vehicle dealership located in the commonwealth of the same line make as any of the vehicles manufactured ... by the manufacturer[. ]" Sounds pretty clear cut, right? Tesla can't run a dealership in Massachusetts that sells Teslas -- there's no helpful exception left out of that quote.

When I could have been busting my *** in the office meeting arbitrary project deadlines, I was leaving the office hours early to pick my kid up from school, helping my wife negotiate with insurance companies, driving her to the rental car place, to the repair shop, to another dealership, etc. My project fell behind, and a couple of people complained that I wasn't returning calls fast enough.

Quote Examples using Dealership

Yep. > A disgruntled former employee of Texas Auto Center chose a creative way to get back at the Austin-based dealership: He hacked into the company's computers and remotely activated the vehicle-immobilization system, which triggered the horn and disabled the ignition system in more than 100 of the vehicles. The dealership had installed the system in its cars as a way to deal with customers who fell behind on their payments. I'm not going to get into the benefits of open source for consumer appliances, just that there is quite a bit of research into internal communication within the vehicle's operational systems and it's quite poor. Giving all cars a 3G connection to the world and having shitty security means we're going to have a bad time. I had hopes with Google showing interest in getting Android into cars, but it's just for "infotainment" which in all likelihood means offloading the development of those shitty DVD players. Updating the firmware of the various ECUs within your car involves bringing it to a dealership/repair shop, which probably means they're never going to get updated.


Car dealerships are some of the last dynasty busineses. Ever wonder why most family run businesses eventually fail when an incompetent son/daughter takes over, but dealerships just stay around for 3 or 4 generations? Its because its a rigged market that requires no skill. The profits don't come from adding value. They come from gouging consumers. Tesla is just a new reminder that we are being screwed, and they don't have the inventory to support the network of the dealership mafiosos and their fratboy progeny." Dude, my dad owns this dealership, so I totally know business bro...


Dealership definitions


a business established or operated under an authorization to sell or distribute a company's goods or services in a particular area

See also: franchise