Daydreaming in a sentence as a noun

I can play from sheet music until my hands give out, all the while daydreaming about what I'm having for tea or what chores need doing.

We need to point our keyboards at it and shout Avada Kedavra with extreme prejudice./daydreaming

I'm sure 32 years in prison sucks, but would most people get relief by graphically daydreaming about torturing their own children to death?

After getting an interesting assignment I would literally skip on the way back home daydreaming about how I will write it.

Yes, the paradox is that daydreaming and apparent purposelessness are, in the long run, about the most important things that get done.

They can vacation in paradise, make cool things happen at a stroke of a pen, and if they choose to spend hours per day doing nothing but daydreaming and speculating...they can.

I keep trying to think of practical implications for this technology, but every time I do, I just end up daydreaming about robot circuses.

At Mozilla we've been daydreaming about incorporating something like that into the product.

At the low points, when the stress was making me continually nauseous, I remember staring out my back window into the yard daydreaming about what it would be like to tell Erin we were selling and the stress was over.

Daydreaming definitions


absentminded dreaming while awake

See also: reverie revery daydream oneirism