Dampen in a sentence as a verb

That'd clear up the 'new' list a lot as well as dampen the duplicate submissions.

They're being used only to dampen innovation now.

Let's get real, GoDaddy is trying to dampen the outrage with very little.

That's going to dampen most open source organizers' energies, I guess.

That tends to dampen one's enthusiasm to contribute.

It would have cost millions of dollars to dampen the pod vibrations so the pilots could read their instruments.

Microsoft launched the program in 2006 or so to dampen the "Linux is more secure because we can see the source!!

Does abuse of power come with the power itself?One way to mitigate this would be to dampen the Karma.

I am not going to dampen my language just because they think forced labor is just fine, and neither should The Guardian.

Their goal might not be to provoke the enemy, but instead to dampen any groundswell that might occur due to false reporting.

I've been looking at building a Javascript-based WinRT project - one of the suggested app build paths suggested by MS and discovered that there is no touch-and-drag support built in yet. You can roll your own using JS-events but .... really, things like that dampen the enthusiasm.

Personally I think carrying an iPhone is orthogonal, because it's a useful planning and safety tool which does little to dampen the experience a trip like this can bring.

Dr. Zimmat has been using the new Watson 2nd series in an attempt to untangle chaos theory to find the ultimate causes of major weather events, in the hopes of finding humanly affectable actions that could help to dampen the ever increasing number of Hurricanes.

Heat, ocean waves and the earth's rotation are so many orders of magnitude apart in terms of frequency that a machine designed to dampen one could not possibly have an effect on the others.

Dampen definitions


smother or suppress; "Stifle your curiosity"

See also: stifle


make moist; "The dew moistened the meadows"

See also: moisten wash


deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping

See also: muffle mute dull damp


reduce the amplitude (of oscillations or waves)


make vague or obscure or make (an image) less visible; "muffle the message"

See also: deaden damp


check; keep in check (a fire)


lessen in force or effect; "soften a shock"; "break a fall"

See also: damp soften weaken break