Daily in a sentence as a noun

It had become my daily habit to kiss my wife and check the AdMob stats.

I'm a sysadmin/devops with 12 years in, and build stuff like this on a daily basis.

You can do editorial pages like that for major events, but not the daily drab.

I mean, they're still afraid of that; it's pretty much part of daily life there, working for the Dread Pirate Bezos and all.

The restaurant loses money on every single "daily deal" that is redeemed.

Daily in a sentence as an adjective

Life is too short to do everything but life is more than ample enough to do important things, things that count beyond the mundane routines of daily existence.

My fellow HNers:It does depress me, daily, that I do not have a career in physics or chemistry or biology or medicine where I could work on "big problems.

Even the locals will not venture out in the evening unaccompanied by the opposite sex. Sexual violence and molestation is a daily affair.

One thing that struck me immediately about the two companies -- an impression that has been reinforced almost daily -- is that Amazon does everything wrong, and Google does everything right.

They got almost daily phone calls from Yelp marketing types essentially suggesting that if they renewed their subscription, the negative reviews would 'disappear'.This was a few years ago, so maybe things have changed since then.

Daily in a sentence as an adverb

The longest, and hardest, i had was a project that ended up with me stuffing envelopes every night and making daily trips to the post office sending of letters to people around the world because my offer started getting passed from message board to message board.

Until a company learns how to ensure that a business is obtaining a profit from providing this massive discount, without cheapening the product, and cannibalizing existing sales, the daily deals industry will continue to fall by the wayside.

Now, if youre not from the USA, I can already hear you objecting that its impractical to drive a small fleet of ocean-going vessels on suburban streets, or that its wasteful to retain a staff of thousands just to make the daily commute, or that its not all that great, environment-wise, to knock over city blocks every time I make a Starbucks run.

Daily definitions


a newspaper that is published every day


of or belonging to or occurring every day; "daily routine"; "a daily paper"

See also: day-to-day day-by-day day-after-day


appropriate for ordinary or routine occasions; "casual clothes"; "everyday clothes"

See also: casual everyday


every day; without missing a day; "he stops by daily"


gradually and progressively; "his health weakened day by day"