Dactyl in a sentence as a noun

I make Pentadactyl builds nightly for anyone who wants to use them, located here[0].

Pentadactyl is the best vim keybinding plugin for firefox now.

Unfortunately I got addicted to pentadactyl after a couple of threads here.

I think the pentadactyl[1]/vimperator[2] ui is nice; I can see the URL of the page I'm currently browsing, but it claims minimal screen real-estate.

Gosh, this needs an explanation: Pentadactyl is a vim-like environment for Firefox.

Doug and Kris, the primary Vimperator developers for several years, have left the Vimperator project and now develop and maintain Pentadactyl in its stead.

Dactyl definitions


a metrical unit with stressed-unstressed-unstressed syllables


a finger or toe in human beings or corresponding body part in other vertebrates

See also: digit