Curtly in a sentence as an adverb

So I prioritize them and answer many of them curtly or delete some without replying at all.

I emailed to ask if they'd let me through anyway or allow me to pay a discounted price some other way, and they fairly curtly told me nope.

Be warned though, there's a lot of grade-school antics, meming, and sexism, and the smart guys are used to curtly fending off stupid questions.

I don't think his solution is very good - he probably should just not write back to every email, or just write back curtly without some odd acronym.

If I fix those things, and I don't conduct myself like an ******* when my baby gets curtly shot down, I am fairly confident that I won't be verbally abused.

When the man asked what it was that he was doing, the first mason responded, rather curtly, "I’m hammering this stupid rock, and I can't wait 'til 5 when I can go home.

To summarize them curtly, imagine an ancient Athenian trying to envision wall street, it’s very dubious they could.

You fix it with heavy-handed moderation that actively punishes curtly written content.

I sat next to my very first technical mentor for a few years, and he had no compunction about holding up a finger and saying "hang on" curtly when I'd start to ask something.

If someone said to linus"given that kernels are your research project, i expected that you'd already tested whatever you're talking about on wayland and contacted its developers about security holes,"and he replied curtly, i don't think anyone on hacker news would be "calling him out." the idea that her tone is "too aggressive" is highly suspect.

" I started thinking about how it is more efficient to hit the Spacebar with thumb, the notion of finger travel in miles per annum etc., while my friend replied curtly to that 55 year old student: "Sir, do you start your Scooter by hitting the `kick' by foot or by palm?

A doctor and a lawyer are at a party and someone comes up to the doctor saying "I have this small problem that ..."The doctor answers curtly, tactfully, as politely as possible, finally getting rid of them, then turns back to the lawyer and says "I hate that.

Curtly definitions


in a curt, abrupt and discourteous manner; "he told me curtly to get on with it"; "he talked short with everyone"; "he said shortly that he didn't like it"

See also: short shortly